Silane PEGs

Silane PEGs allow for efficient functionalization of silica (SiO2) and related surfaces. Typically, the functionalization of silica, known as silanization, begins with APTES and involves multiple steps to produce the desired functionality. However, with methoxy, azide, alkyne, and biotin functionalities, our silane PEGs greatly reduces the steps required to create the desired functionality.

Selected Research:

Methoxy PEG Silane (Cat No. 26069-26072) improves selectivity of magnetic nanoparticles used in visualization of tumors.

Larsen, E. K., Nielsen, T. W., Birkedal, H., Vorup-Jensen, T., Østergaard, L., Horsmon, M. R., et al. (2009). Size-Dependent Accumulation of PEGylated Silane-Coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Murine Tumors. ACS Nano, 3(7), 1947-1951.

Methoxy PEG Silane and Silane PEG Biotin (Cat No. 26236-26239) create nanoaperture array for single-molecule fluorescence microscopy.

Kinz-Thompson, C. D., Palma, M., Pulukkunat, D. K., Chenet, D., Hone, J., Wind, S. J., et al. (2013). Robustly Passivated, Gold Nanoaperture Arrays for Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy. ACS Nano, 7(9), 8158-8166.

Silane PEG Biotin binds to DNA-protein complex and allows for study of DNA conformations.

Shemer, G., Atsmon, Y., Karzbrun, E., & Bar-Ziv, R. H. (2012). Collective Conformations of DNA Polymers Assembled on Surface Density Gradients. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(9), 3954-3956.

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