Buffers, Life Sciences
  1. Cacodylic acid, sodium salt, solution, 0.2M, pH 7.4

    Buffer for fixatives for light and electron microscopy; e.g., osmium tetroxide, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, Karnovsky’s fixative.

  2. 1M Glycine-HCl Buffer, pH 2.7±0.1, 10X Concentrate

    Dilute 1–>10 with deionized water to get buffer at working concentration.

  3. 0.5M Borate Buffer, pH 8.5±0.2, 5X Concentrate

    Dilute 1–>5 with deionized water to get buffer at working concentration. Suitable for use in protocols for coupling proteins to polystyrene microspheres.

  4. Tris Buffered Saline (TBS), pH 8.0±0.2, 10X Concentrate | Polysciences, Inc.

    Dilute 1–>10 with deionized water to get buffer at working concentration.

  5. Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer

    Dilute 1–>10 with deionized water to get buffer at working concentration. Suitable for use in gel electrophoresis for nucleic acid analysis.

  6. Tris-Glycine Buffer
    Inquire for availability.

    Suitable for use in Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Dilute 1–>10 with deionized water to get buffer at working concentration.

  7. 0.1M Sodium Bicarbonate-Sodium Carbonate Buffer, pH 9.6 ±0.2, 1X  Powdered Blend

    Dissolve the contents of each pouch in a liter of deionized water.

  8. 0.05M Phosphate-Citrate Buffer, pH 5.0±0.2, 1X Powdered Blend

    Dissolve the contents of each pouch in a liter of deionized water.

  9. Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer (TBE Buffer) pH 8.3±0.2, 1X Powdered Blend

    Dissolve the contents of each pouch in a liter of deionized water to get 0.089M Tris/Borate, 0.002M Disodium EDTA.

  10. StainRITE® May-Grünwald Giemsa Phosphate Buffer pH 7.2

    For use as a buffer in May-Grünwald, Wright Stain, Wright-Giemsa, Giemsa and Leishman staining procedures.

  11. StainRITE® Wright Stain Phosphate Buffer pH 6.8

    This Phosphate Buffer yields satisfactory staining results every time when used with the Wright staining method.

  12. StainRITE® Wright-Giemsa Stain Phosphate Buffer pH 6.8

    This Phosphate Buffer yields satisfactory staining results every time when used with Wright-Giemsa stains.

  13. PolyTransport Buffer | Polysciences, Inc.
    PolyTransport Buffer
    Catalog Number 24311

    Preserve Your Specimens "To Go"

    Specially formulated transport medium designed to preserve tissue in a viable state during transport from surgery to grossing by maintaining osmolarity and pH for 24 to 48 hours.

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