Fluorescence Reference Standards
  1. Alexa Fluor® 488 Reference Standard

    Single-color Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes to exhibit the same spectral characteristics as labeled cells. Their size approximates that of human lymphocytes (~7-9µm in diameter) and are available in a wide vareity of fluorescent dyes. Fluorescein is also available as a 2µm bead. These standards may be used to QC a specific path of the optical system (laser/filter/PMT), to optimize filter and mirror sets for fluorophores, and to establish a test-specific Target Channel Value for instrument set-up.

  2. Alexa Fluor® 647 Reference Standard

    Single-color Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes to exhibit the same spectral characteristics as labeled cells. Their size approximates that of human lymphocytes (~7-9µm in diameter) and are available in a wide vareity of fluorescent dyes. Fluorescein is also available as a 2µm bead. These standards may be used to QC a specific path of the optical system (laser/filter/PMT), to optimize filter and mirror sets for fluorophores, and to establish a test-specific Target Channel Value for instrument set-up.

  3. Certified Blank™ (no label) Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  4. Fluorescein Reference Standard
    Fluorescein Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI891A

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  5. Propidium Iodide Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  6. Texas Red Reference Standard
    Texas Red Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI893A

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  7. Hoechst 33342 Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  8. Acridine Orange Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  9. Chlorophyll Reference Standard
    Chlorophyll Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI898A

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  10. R-Phycoerythrin Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  11. Allophycocyanine Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  12. T.M. Rhodamine Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  13. DAPI Reference Standard
    DAPI Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI906A

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

  14. PE-Cy5 Reference Standard
    PE-Cy5 Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI908A

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

  15. Violet Laser Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

  16. Pacific Blue™ Reference Standard

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

  17. Cy™ 5 Reference Standard
    Cy™ 5 Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI895A

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

    A test requires one drop (50μl) of particle suspension, which is equivalent to ~100,000 particles. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

    Supplied as 2 x 7ml.

  18. PE-Cy™ 7 Reference Standard
    PE-Cy™ 7 Reference Standard
    Catalog Number BLI889

    Fluorescence Reference Standards are labeled with specific fluorochromes so that they give rise to the same fluorescence spectra as cells labeled with the same fluorochromes. Fluorescence intensity is similar to biological samples.

  19. Right Reference Standard™ Phycoerythrin High (100 tests)

    Each standard consists of a population of microspheres surface labeled with a single fluorochrome at a high intensity level. The Right Reference Standard™ microspheres approximate the size of human lymphocytes (~7-9µm). With their narrow fluorescence CVs, Right Reference Standard™ products are suitable for alignment purposes. These standards may also be used to QC a specific path of the optical system (laser/filter/PMT), and to establish a unified fluorescence range for a particular detector.

  20. Right Reference Standard™ PE-Cy5 High (100 tests)

    Each standard consists of a population of microspheres surface labeled with a single fluorochrome at a high intensity level. The Right Reference Standard™ microspheres approximate the size of human lymphocytes (~7-9µm). With their narrow fluorescence CVs, Right Reference Standard™ products are suitable for alignment purposes. These standards may also be used to QC a specific path of the optical system (laser/filter/PMT), and to establish a unified fluorescence range for a particular detector.

  21. Right Reference Standard™ APC High (100 tests)

    Each standard consists of a population of microspheres surface labeled with a single fluorochrome at a high intensity level. The Right Reference Standard™ microspheres approximate the size of human lymphocytes (~7-9µm). With their narrow fluorescence CVs, Right Reference Standard™ products are suitable for alignment purposes. These standards may also be used to QC a specific path of the optical system (laser/filter/PMT), and to establish a unified fluorescence range for a particular detector.

  22. Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Unlabeled

    Flow cytometry is a highly accurate technology used for cell measurements. High quality particles, supplied from Polysciences, are used to calibrate these instruments.

    This product is a component of the Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Kit (Cat. #23512), which allows comparision of various levels of green fluorescence. The full kit contains 4 components, each of which is packaged with ~2 x 106 particles per ml: a full intensity bead, two intermediate intensity beads and a blank bead.

  23. Flow Check™  High Intensity Alignment Grade Particles - 0.50µm (BB)

    Polysciences offers a series of monodisperse, low CV particles with two different dyes in sizes with nominal diameters ranging from 0.50µm to 6.0µm. All particles have been screened by flow cytometry labs to be suitable for instrument alignment. We use our own proprietary dyes to ensure long term stability.

  24. Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Low Intensity Level 1

    Flow cytometry is a highly accurate technology used for cell measurements. High quality particles, supplied from Polysciences, are used to calibrate these instruments.

    This product is a component of the Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Kit (Cat. #23512), which allows comparision of various levels of green fluorescence. The full kit contains 4 components, each of which is packaged with ~2 x 106 particles per ml: a full intensity bead, two intermediate intensity beads and a blank bead.

  25. Flow Check™ YG 6.0  Low Intensity Level 2

    Flow cytometry is a highly accurate technology used for cell measurements. High quality particles, supplied from Polysciences, are used to calibrate these instruments.

    This product is a component of the Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Kit (Cat. #23512), which allows comparision of various levels of green fluorescence. The full kit contains 4 components, each of which is packaged with ~2 x 106 particles per ml: a full intensity bead, two intermediate intensity beads and a blank bead.

  26. Flow Check™ YG Kit 6.0
    Flow Check™ YG Kit 6.0
    Catalog Number 23512

    The particles in this kit allow comparision of various levels of green fluorescence. Kit contains 4 components, each packaged with ~2 x 106 particles per ml: a full intensity bead, two intermediate intensity beads and a blank bead.

  27. Flow Check™ Undyed Particles

    Flow Check™ Undyed Particles are 6µm in size and are supplied with Flow Check® Intensity Sets and Maxi-Brite Color Compensation Set as a comparison against dyed particles and cells.


  28. Flow Check™ Ruby Red Fluorescent Microspheres

    Flow Check™Ruby Red Fluorescent Microspheres are ~6µm narrow distribution polystyrene particles that can be used for flow cytometry applications where fluorescence emission in the range of 600nm to 710nm is needed. Suitable for 488nm and 663nm excitation, detection in PE-Cy5 or APC channels. Supplied as a 5ml suspension (~5 x 106 beads/ml) in convenient dropper bottle.

    • Excitation maximum: 475nm
    • Emission maximum: 663nm
  29. Flow Check™ High Intensity Alignment Grade Particles - 1.00µm (YG)

    Polysciences offers a series of monodisperse, low CV particles with two different dyes in sizes ranging from 0.50µm to 6.0µm. All particles have been screened by flow cytometry labs to be suitable for instrument alignment. We use our own proprietary dyes to ensure long term stability.

    Component of the Flow Check™ YG Size Range Calibration Kit (Cat. #23514)

  30. Flow Check™ High Intensity Alignment Grade Particles - 2.00µm (YG)

    Polysciences offers a series of monodisperse, low CV particles with two different dyes in sizes ranging from 0.50µm to 6.0µm. All particles have been screened by flow cytometry labs to be suitable for instrument alignment. We use our own proprietary dyes to ensure long term stability.

    Component of the Flow Check™ YG Size Range Calibration Kit (Cat. #23514)

  31. Flow Check™ High Intensity Alignment Grade Particles - 6.00µm (YG)

    Polysciences offers a series of monodisperse, low CV particles with two different dyes in sizes ranging from 0.50µm to 6.0µm. All particles have been screened by flow cytometry labs to be suitable for instrument alignment. We use our own proprietary dyes to ensure long term stability.

    Component of the Flow Check™ YG Size Range Calibration Kit (Cat. #23514)

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