De-Calcify Block Solution

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Catalog Number Unit Size Price QTY
24903-250 250 ml
24903-500 500 ml
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De-Calcify Block Solution Enhances Ribbon Cutting & Saves Knives

Original decalcification thoroughness and condition of the specimen is dependent on the original decalcification solution. Use De-Calcify Block Solution as a fast microtome soak that saves you time and money by allowing you to salvage problem blocks right at your cutting station.


  • Saves knives and saves money
  • Enhances ribbon cutting
  • Useful for H&E and routine staining
  • Fast soaking procedure
  • Ready-to-use formulation
  • Environmentally safe and biodegradable


  1. Remove block from microtome and place face down in De-Calcify Block Solution.
  2. Allow block to soak for five to ten minutes.
  3. Remove block and rinse under tap water.
  4. Re-chill block and re-mount on microtome.
  5. Proceed with normal ribbon cutting routine.
Shipping Requirements:
Gloves & chemical goggles
Store at room temperature
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