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14497-1 1g
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Stigmasterol is a naturally occurring phytosterol lipid that is growing in the bioprocessing space for its ability to improve lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based mRNA transfection efficiency. LNPs are well known for facilitating the safe and effective delivery of mRNA to target cells, thus enabling therapeutic action. Cholesterol derivatives like stigmasterol offer two major benefits to LNP formulations: they can improve the stability of the LNP and they can increase the transfection efficiency in both in cell cultures and in vivo. Polysciences’ high purity, transfection grade stigmasterol can be used in conjunction with our other cationic lipid products to provide reliable performance for a variety of bioprocessing applications.

LNP, transfection, drug delivery
Shipping Requirements:
Molecular Weight:
412.7 g/mol

Patel, Siddharth et al. “Naturally-occurring cholesterol analogues in lipid nanoparticles induce polymorphic shape and enhance intracellular delivery of mRNA.” Nature communications vol. 11,1 983. 20 Feb. 2020, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14527-2

10°C - 25°C, protect from light
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