Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Unlabeled

Catalog Number Unit Size 价格 QTY
23521-10 10 ml
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Flow cytometry is a highly accurate technology used for cell measurements. High quality particles, supplied from Polysciences, are used to calibrate these instruments.

This product is a component of the Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Kit (Cat. #23512), which allows comparision of various levels of green fluorescence. The full kit contains 4 components, each of which is packaged with ~2 x 106 particles per ml: a full intensity bead, two intermediate intensity beads and a blank bead.

Store material at 4ºC and protect from light. No biocides are added during the manufacturing process. DI water is recommended for all particle handling and dilution operations.

Flow Cytometry, fluorescence reference
Concentration (nom.):
~2 x 106 particles per ml
Suspending Solution:
PBS pH 7.2
Harmless-use normal precautions
Exercise normal care
Store at 4 degrees celsius;Do not permit to freeze
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